17 July 2021 - The Hindu Vocabulary

All the vocabularies are from The Hindu Newspaper. We publish in such a way that everyone can understand the words with Hindi Meaning.

1. NOTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (उल्लेखनीय): noteworthy
Synonyms: remarkable, outstanding
Antonyms: insignificant
Example Sentence:
The gardens are notable for their collection of magnolias and camellias.

2. PHENOMENAL (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): exceptional
Synonyms: extraordinary, remarkable
Antonyms: ordinary
Example Sentence:
The town expanded at a phenomenal rate.

3. ATYPICAL (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): unusual
Synonyms: untypical, non-typical
Antonyms: typical
Example Sentence:
I belong to the sample of people who are rather atypical of the target audience.

4. THOUGHTFUL (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): pensive
Synonyms: thinking, reflective
Antonyms: vacant
Example Sentence:
Brows were drawn together in thoughtful consideration.

5. FLAUNT (VERB): (शान दिखाना): show off
Synonyms: parade, exhibit
Antonyms: hide
Example Sentence:
Newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity.

6. AMBITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वाकांक्षी): aspiring
Synonyms: determined, forceful
Antonyms: unambitious
Example Sentence:
She is a typical ambitious workaholic.

7. COMBAT (VERB): (सामना करना): fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to
Example Sentence:
She dedicated her life combating poverty.

8. ULTIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (अंतिम): eventual
Synonyms: last, final
Antonyms: immediate
Example Sentence:
The ultimate aim of the firm’s head was to force his resignation.

9. UNDERMINE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:
This could undermine years of hard work.

10. UNFETTERED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unrestricted unconstrained
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:
His imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic.

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