20 August 2021 - The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams

All the vocabularies are from The Hindu Newspaper. We publish in such a way that everyone can understand the words with Hindi Meaning.

1. REVEL (VERB): (आनंद लेना): Celebrate
Synonyms: Make merry, Party
Antonyms: Mourn
Example Sentence:
They spent the evening reveling with their guests.

2. MYSTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यमय): Spiritual
Synonyms: Religious, Transcendental
Antonyms: Exoteric
Example Sentence:
The mystical theology of Richard Rolle is very popular.

3. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अमंगल): Threatening
Synonyms: Menacing, Baleful
Antonyms: auspicious
Example Sentence:
There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead.

4. REMOTE (ADJECTIVE): (दूरवर्ती): Faraway
Synonyms: distant, far
Antonyms: close
Example Sentence:
The valley is remote from the usual tourist routes.

5. ENSUING (ADJECTIVE): (आगामी): Subsequent
Synonyms: Following, Succeeding
Antonyms: Previous
Example Sentence:
The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906.

6. ASSAULT (NOUN): (हमला): Attack
Synonyms: Strike, Onslaught
Antonyms: Defence
Example Sentence:
Troops began an assault on the city.

7. SURGE (NOUN): (वृद्धि): Rise
Synonyms: Growth, Upswing
Antonyms: Deflate
Example Sentence:
The firm predicted a 20% surge in sales.

8. REVAMP (VERB): (सुधार करना): Renovate
Synonyms: Redecorate, Refurbish
Antonyms: Damage
Example Sentence:
An attempt was made to revamp the museum's image.

9. NEGLIGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (नगण्य): Trivial
Synonyms: Trifling, Insignificant
Antonyms: Significant
Example Sentence:
He said that the risks were negligible.

10. PROSPECT (NOUN): (संभावना): View
Synonyms: Vista, Perspective
Antonyms: Viewlessness
Example Sentence:
A viewpoint commanding a magnificent prospect of the estuary.

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