Indian Dynasties and its Founder

The following list of Indian dynasties and their founders. Indian History is an important subject in both the UPSC Civil Services Exam Syllabus. Dynasties have great historical importance in history. It marked the beginning of an era. :

Indian Dynasties and its Founder

  •  Khilji Dynasty (Northern India)- Jalal-ud-din Khilji
  •  Tughlaq Dynasty (Northern India) - Ghias-ud-din Tughlaq
  •  Lodhi Dynasty (Northern India) - Bahlol Lodhi
  •  Mughal Dynasty (large part of Indian Subcontinent)- Babur
  •  Haryanka Dynasty (Magadha) - Bimbisara
  •  Nanda Dynasty (Magadha) - Mahapadmananda
  •  Chola Dynasty, Adi (Cholamandalama) - Karikala
  •  Gupta Dynasty (Magadha) - Srigupta
  •  Chalukya Badami Dynasty (Badami) - Pulkeshin I  
  •  Pallava Dynasty (Kanchi)- Singha Vishnu
  •  Chalukya Vengi Dynasty (Vengi) - Vishnu Vardhana
  •  Rashtrakuta Dynasty (Maharashtra)- Danti Durga
  •  Pala Dynasty (Bengal) - Gopala
  •  Chola Dynasty (Tamil Region) - Vijayalaya
  •  Slave Dynasty (Northern India)- Qutubudin Aibak
  •  Mauryan Dynasty (Magadha) - Chandragupta Maurya
  •  Sunga Dynasty (Magadha) - Pushyamitra Sunga
  •  Kanva Dynasty (Magadha) - Vasudeva
  •  Satvahana Dynasty (Maharashtra) - Simuka
  •  Kushan Dynasty (West-Northern India) - Kadphises

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